gas consumption conditions câu
gas consumption
Especially the energy and gas consumption was very high.Đặc biệt lò dùng điện và Gas chung có giá rất cao. CNPC expects 2019 gas consu...

We also lead the nation in Hoho consumption.Chúng ta cũng lãnh đạo một quốc gia trong tiêu thụ Hoho. She died, old-timey disease-- con...

You know, management better keep a close eye on the conditions up in here.anh biết đó, quản lý thì nên để mắt đến công việc. Hold! We'...

He just cut a hole in our gas tank!Hắn chỉ vừa cắt một lỗ trên bình xăng của chúng ta. Okay, that's going to give you some serious gas...

actual consumption
bills based on actual consumption,phẩm, căn cứ vào số tiền thực nhận, Water Charges: As per actual Consumption of each Flat, or Number...

air consumption
and Air ConsumptionAir consumption (tiêu thụ không khí) and Air ConsumptionAir consumption (tiêu thụ không khí) Nex Flow™ Air Jets are...

apparent consumption
Graphic papers apparent consumptiontiêu dùng biểu kiến (t.k. ) apparent consumption consommation apparente Graphic papers apparent cons...

autonomous consumption
What determines autonomous consumption?Autonomous consumption nghĩa là gì? What determines autonomous consumption?Autonomous consumptio...

average consumption
In fact, the average consumption was 337 mg per day.Trong thực tế, mức tiêu thụ trung bình là 337 mg mỗi ngày. The average consumption...

basic consumption
Nearly 1 billion cannot meet their basic consumption requirements.Hơn một tỉ người không thỏa mãn được nhu cầu cơ bản của mình. So fir...

cannabis consumption
No, “420” is not police code for cannabis consumption.“420” không phải là mã LAPD để lạm dụng cần sa. Below are some examples of studi...

cement consumption
Meanwhile, the list of cement projects that are expected to come into operation after 2018 are very large capacity projects, thus incre...

conspicuous consumption
However, the culture of conspicuous consumption may finally be changing.Tuy nhiên, văn hóa tiêu dùng phô trương cuối cùng có thể thay đ...

consumption (economics)
Topic Page: Consumption (Economics)Chủ đề: Datenerhebung Chủ đề: Consumption (Economics) Topic Page: Consumption (Economics)Chủ đề: Dat...

consumption capital
FDD can help reduce energy consumption, capital costs, and equipment wear and tear.FDD có thể giúp giảm tiêu thụ năng lượng, chi phí vố...

consumption expenditure
other variables affect consumption expenditure.Các biến số khác ảnh hưởng đến chi phí hút mỡ. Personal Consumption Expenditures Measure...

consumption externalities
The appropriate response in the case of consumption externalities is similar to that in the case of production externalities.Câu trả lờ...

consumption function
If the consumption function is C = 80 + 0.65 Y, then what is the saving function?Nếu hàm tiêu dùng là C = 50 + 0,8Yd, thì hàm tiết kiệm...

consumption fund
“… With an equal performance of labor, and hence an equal share in the social consumption fund, one will in fact receive more than anot...

consumption level
The power consumption level of the refrigeration units from LG is at the level of A ++.Mức tiêu thụ điện của các đơn vị làm lạnh từ LG ...

consumption loan
Secondly, users wanting to use the service “must agree with the consumption loan agreement, which is an unsecured contract,” the exchan...

consumption of materials
This allows to significantly reduce the consumption of materials and the cost of rail-string overpasses.Điều này cho phép giảm đáng kể ...

consumption of power
Because the required low temperature is relatively low, the consumption of power is larger.Bởi vì nhiệt độ yêu cầu là tương đối thấp, t...

consumption pattern
Those who had an adequate amount of coffee consumption pattern had lower levels of liver enzymes in the blood.Những người uống nhiều cà...

consumption plan
Azure Functions instance MUST be with App Service Plan, NOT Consumption PlanAzure tính tiền theo App Service Plan, không phải theo App ...